Here I am in Henderson for a fifth transfer once again! :D I don't know exactly how often this happens, but this is only my second area, and I'll be here for another month and a half. That puts me at being here for about 7 1/2 months. Which I am super happy about! We have some great investigators here in Henderson that I believe will be baptized by the end of the transfer. First of all will be Teresa. Right now we have a baptismal date for the 9th of August! We think we're going to have to push it pack a week just to help her learn everything, but she is still going great! Her parents are returning less actives who are doing great.
Another family that I am really excited to work with right now is the Nuci family. They work seasonally here and in Florida. They are only here for about four months though. They have 7 boys and another one on the way. They are having a hard time keeping up with work and the church, and feel pretty discouraged. But they have such sweet hearts and such great desires. Just yesterday we taught the parents and the kids were going crazy. I couldn't help but think of the fact that Mom and Dad once had to do that with 11 of us as well!
The great miracle of this week was that Marisol came to church! It was such a huge miracle! We weren't actually able to teach her last week because of the rain, and when we texted her to ask if she was going to be able to make it to church she never responded. We really thought that she was losing interest and didn't want to come. Then two minutes before sacrament meeting started she called us and told us she was there. Booyah! She has been telling us basically the whole time we have met with her that to know for sure she needs to come to church. Even after a church tour she still needed to come to church. Well obviously we agree. But the thing was that we were caught off guard. And there were no hispanics there! We have been working so hard to help her to have a good experience at church with great friendshipping from hispanics, and no one came! We were super nervous that she wasn't going to enjoy church because of it.
My nerves definitely got to me, because I was translating terribly. I was praying and praying for the gift of tongues, but simply it didn't come. But the Lord knew the situation. Marisol decided to go without translation and listen in English the best she could. I kept translating just in case she wanted it, and in the end the spirit calmed my nerves and told me to not translate. I calmed down, and I could see that Marisol felt perfectly fine.
To make the whole experience better, we had an amazing lesson in gospel principles about prayer. She shared with us that on Saturday she was praying a lot to know if this was the true church, and if this was the Sunday that she was going to go and not give any excuses. And she said that finally she felt the simple peace that it was the day. Her testimony about prayer was so strong! I am so excited to teach her again tomorrow!
Our other investigators are doing well too. And I wish I had time to tell you about them, but time's about out!
I love yall so much! Have a great week!
Élder Johnson