Monday, March 31, 2014


Well I am officially 19!! But where oh where is my mission call?? I thought that was supposed to come when you turn 19!

Boy does it feel great to be able to say that I am 19! I have been called 15 WAY too many times on my mission! So hopefully the somehow instantaneous affect of passing March the 28th makes me actually look like I'm 19! Or at least like I'm 16 and not 15! :D

I honestly had one of the greatest birthdays ever! And it was simply because I didn't get to focus on me one bit! We had an excellent day doing the same thing we do every day! Serving!

Thank you so much to all who have prayed for me, and especially for our investigators. We have been seeing the progress due to such faith!

This week we were able to see some huge growth in Anthony and his family. We have had little contact with Octavio, but it sounds like he is out of town for the week. Sometimes people like to go on trips without warning us, and then we freak out! But hey, it doesn't change their desires, so we truly need to just be patient. But Alicia, Sonya, Cynthia, and Anthony are planning on coming to conference on Saturday and Sunday! Anthony should be there for most of it, and the others for both the afternoon sessions. Please pray that they will make it! That is sooo huge with them! They are all seeing how huge of changes that Anthony has been having and it is anchored into them that the gospel is true. But, for some reason intellectually knowing that, doesn't do the trick. :) We are working hard to help them have spiritual experiences to answer questions of their soul to have a testimony through the spirit. That's when the commitment to live the commandments comes.

Anthony's day to stop drinking was last Saturday and so far so good! He is a miracle! It was incredible how much the spirit in their home has changed! Their home literally is filled with more light!

We had a great success on Sunday at church! A less active's four sons came to church! :D We have been slowly working to get the desires in them and have taught the kids, and they came to church with their uncle who is Moisés, our recent convert! It was awesome! And they are generally crazy! But...not at church! They were the quietest we have ever seen them! But they didn't just shy away, they were leading everyone else in what the primary did! Ah it was good.

As well we had Jorge at church! I haven't mentioned him before, but he is the husband of a member who has recently decided to check out his wife's church. It's his second time, and we are soo excited to start working with him! He is a super nice person, and it will bless that family's so much to have him there.

One last AWESOME thing! Gladys Knight is coming to Durham with her Saints Unified Voices gospel choir to do an evening of music and testimony. It is going to be amazing!!!!! We are trying sooo hard to get someone to come so we can make the 50 minute trip to be there! But most of all because it is going to be soo powerful. We have a few english potentials that we are looking forward to invite to it!

Thanks so much for all of the prayers and support! Pray hard for our investigators! April is the month of five baptisms if we can reach their needs! And it can even be more!

¡Les quiero bastante!
Élder Johnson

Monday, March 24, 2014

Hey y'all!

Well another transfer has gone by! Holy Cow! Elder Swinney and I will probably only be together for one more. This last transfer has been awesome! It's been good to get to know a new area and the many members who live here. And this transfer I am sooo excited to make a big huge dent in the work here! The members aren't going to know what hit them! Because it's going to be them doing the work! I'm super excited for it.

The big update is that we have three baptismal dates! The Hernandez family is progressing steadily in the Gospel! Anthony is the one that is most definitely progressing the fastest, and he honestly is the one that had the furthest to go. That's the great thing about the gospel. Through sincere desires to repent, we are granted such power! He is already done with 1 Nephi! He and the family friend Octavio have dates for the 19th of April. And so far they are both well on track. But pray that Octavio will step out of his comfort zone and come to church. That is the single thing that will keep him back from getting baptized. The other date is for Cynthia on the 19th as well (one of the daughters). We are soo excited for them all!

Sorry that the letter was short, but I truly have felt that we have been blessed in this area to have success! That is the lords plan! Go to! :D

Have a wonderful week! I love you all sooo much!

Élder Johnson 

Monday, March 17, 2014

Amazing Week

This week has been an amazing week. I feel like we have been learning so much together in this area to be able to help our investigators truly progress, and as well knowing where to focus our efforts. We doubled the lessons that we have had with members present! And it has made a difference I feel. Our main focus right now is the Hernandez Family. Trying to help get through some really hard times. Octavio who is a friend that lives with them had one of the most amazing experiences! He shared with us yesterday that one night he woke up and began to read in the Book of Mormon. He started where we had told him to read, and then was told in his head by the spirit what pages and chapters to go to. He showed us the paper that he was writing them down on, and they were all right and so inspired! And they weren't what we had left! He has so much potential! If he didn't really like to talk he would have a baptismal date already haha. But we'll be setting that with him the next time that we meet with him. Each individual is at a different point of electness, but will all make it to baptism as they continue and follow the examples from those progressing. The gospel truly does work miracles, and it most definitely changes families.

One of the biggest highlights from this week was that we had Stake Conference! But this was a combined stake conference presided by L Tom Perry on webcast from Salt Lake. Recently he and the area presidency have been doing conferences as far as I understand. We had such a powerful meeting! Before stake conference we were able to have a ward missionary meeting to kick things off to have better coordination and train them on there duties. We came from that, and then heard 4 very amazing talks from general authorities that nailed all of it into place, it went perfectly! Henderson may be a small Podunk town that used to run on cotton factories and plantations, but there is potential here. That's how the Lord works. He works with the one's. He doesn't convert a city, but a congregation of one's. That's a principle that Elder Bednar talked about in England. To save thousands of souls you look for one, who will go get one, who will go get one. Don't ever forget to invite the one's to something that could change their life! :D

Speaking of simple invitations, we just got a phone call from someone who Elder Swinney contacted at the Golden Coral and he set up a time to meet with us! PPIIH! Pray, Prepare, Iniciate conversation, Invite, get them to your Home with the missionaries! :D You don't have to be a missionary to talk to someone at Golden Coral :)

The work is going well, and I expect the miracle that it will pick up as we continue to work hard and especially as we begin to coordinate with our ward missionaries and leaders better. Not to mention that the stake will be getting split most likely, which means closer connection to the stake goals and efforts, which means more progression.

The last thing that I wanted to say was that at the beginning of my mission in the field, President Bernhisel had us start a Book of Mormon experience. We had a specific theme for our studies in the Book of Mormon and marked specific topics. Topics such as the attributes of Christ, his name, his words, the gospel, missionary experiences. After about 8 months of studying like that I finished the Book of Mormon! This was the most amazing experience! And I am about to start it again! I know that our leaders are inspired, and I am amazed as I look back at how the small details of even a study like this has changed my life!

I am so excited for you Caleb! I can imagine that doing that Book of Mormon experience was so powerful! Keep it up! :D

Well, the work moves on! :D Have an amazing week! :D

Les quiero
Élder Johnson

Monday, March 10, 2014


Well I am surely gaining a testimony of families! Our mission goal for baptisms is almost 900 for this year, and we are going to reach it by baptizing families. And I have to say that we have one of the greatest families that we are working with right now. We have been progressing very well with the Hernandez family. There are 7 of them, and then a good family friend Octavio, who is so elect! Right now we have a baptismal date with Brandon and Anthony for the 29th of March, but sadly Brandon will be going to Kentucky the week before that. We were able to talk to them both last night though, and that won't be a problem at all. He is going to get to Kentucky and tell the Elders to baptize him! And Anthony is a miracle! The first time that Elder Swinney met with the family, the topic was Anthony being possessed by a devil. We are pretty sure it has been the effects of drugs though. Yet, to see the change that he has had has been astounding! And we have great faith that he will be prepared for his date for the 29th of March. Pray for him! :D

The rest of the family will be following in line as well. The next step of progression will be coming to church.
Well Marci you hit and passed your goal, and we did too! Your example most definitely motivated us to work hard this week! We shot for 20 and got 22! We are looking forward to seeing a lot of change in our ward as well in the next few weeks as we have some training done for our ward missionaries so we can coordinate that work better, and truly replace fear of the work with faith. We all have the ability to make a difference in this work! And it simply requires acting on faith!

President Bernhisel shared this with us today, “fear will be replaced with faith and confidence [as] members and the full-time missionaries kneel in prayer and ask the Lord to bless them with missionary opportunities. Then, we [will] demonstrate our faith and watch for opportunities to introduce the gospel of Jesus Christ to our Heavenly Father’s children, and surely those opportunities will come. ... [and] they will flow as a natural result of our love for our brothers and sisters. Be [faithful and] positive...It is impossible for us to fail when [missionaries and members] do our best when we are on the Lord’s errand.” -Elder M. Russell Ballard
We have several investigators who are in the beginning stages of investigating, but they all have amazing potential. Please pray for us and being able to always teach with the spirit to truly progress each and every lesson with investigators instead of annoying them! :D

I understand Marci! :D I made the mistake of leaving my bag on the ground where the cat and dogs got to it haha :D

I love y'all a ton! :D

Elder Johnson

Monday, March 3, 2014

Greatest Place Ever!

Howdy y'all!

Life most definitely does get more interesting as you learn about Henderson. It's the greatest place ever! :D Well it's really just sad, but as another elder said, if you don't take the time to just laugh at Henderson, you'll go depressed. But it is not very hard to laugh when you are working with the greatest people here in Henderson! :D

Henderson is a little southern town that was kept running because of factories that have now been shut down. That was about the only reason people were here. Which means that in all the trailer parks where a lot of black people lived in the old days, hispanics have taken over! I heard one of the greatest statements made to us by a black lady. She told us that when the trailer park was filled with blacks it was a crazy place, but once the hispanics moved in it got really quiet and safe. I love the hispanic culture! :D

This week we had a lot of success! We had 18 lessons! Which is the most this area has seen! It makes me laugh since Marci's goal this week is to teach 40 lessons haha. Boy do we live in different parts of the world. But go get 'em Marci! We are most definitely going to be hitting 20 lessons this week. :)
We have several investigators who are progressing towards baptism! We have a date set for the 29th with one, but he just found out that he will be leaving the state for a year in 3 weeks! We are trying to work as hard as we can to make a strong pass-off to elders in Kentucky so they can finish off the deal and get him friend-shipped there.

The rest of his family is progressing well, but needs to come to church. Pray for them! They are going to be key to strengthen the Spanish work here!

I love y'all a ton! And I hope that you enjoy the cold/warm/windy/snowy month of March! :D

Élder Johnson